Urban Ropeways
Ropeways are a popular alternative type of urban transport all over the world. The main advantage of urban ropeways is that their construction is several times cheaper than laying a tunnel or building a bridge, respectively, they pay off faster. Ropeways are suitable for any type of terrain, any building density, and seismic activity of the area.
The urban ropeways are easily integrated into the transport system and, as the practice has shown, contribute to improving the quality of life in the surrounding areas. It becomes a popular mode of transport as well as an attractive site for tourists.
Based on the current market conditions and the dynamics of urbanization in the Russian Federation, one of the most important tasks for LLC National Ropeways is the promotion of ropeways as a mode of urban transport. LLC National Ropeways develops a concept, area planning documentation, and project documentation; it also supplies equipment, including local manufacturing content and operation of facilities.
National Ropeways Limited Liability Company participates in significant investment projects for the creation of aerial ropeways in the following cities:
- Blagoveschensk
- Moscow
- Samara
- Nizhny Novgorod
- Derbent
- Ufa
- Gelendzhik
- Krasnodar